When your friend call message, your screen show accept or decline. If you talk to her than accept here call. than show this Photo. If you want your microphone volume mute than you can click mute, if you want any document/file/data sent your friend, you can this sent files. You also want to call end than click end call.So, this way we try to do Google Talk Text/Voice Chat. So, I hope some problem solve your to the Google Talk.

MD. Delower Hossain

(Online Teacher)

This way to your friend call chat with webcam or without webcam.

Click text box and type your text than press Enter.

When you text message of your friend. Your mouse pointer select your friend address and show this.

After accept of your friend message.

If you got any request then your gtalk will show a message like this. Click yes or no as you wish. If you click yes than show you gtalk software your invited requested account, otherwise not show. This way use to another address link your gtalk software.

Look your screen show your friend gmail account. But, wait this invited message accepted of your friend.

Click Finish ..

You can One or Another Friend Gmail Account Type. Click Next..

Type your friend’s gmail address...  

You have to add friends in your list, Click +Add


